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New Video Release!!!! 8/24/19
"Already Gone"
Mayfair Mall Zine Magazine Review

'From the Ashes' is the long-awaited new album from Californian rockers Haven. 


It seems such a long time since I first reviewed their debut album, so it's with great pleasure that I give this new opus my thoughts for you all to share.

Firstly, this new album is a gentler refrain than expected and takes the band on a new journey, for they have abandoned the full-on electric guitars for the semi-acoustics and to be honest, this enhances the ten songs on the album.  And with Pamme's vocals still having that Wilson Sisters / Pat Benatar feel to them, this new album really is built on the solid ground of those superb vocals.


The album opens up with 'Troubled Waters' a great way to open up the album.  A rich slice of melodic fuelled rock, instantly you’ve forgotten that there are no full-on electric guitars on the album, such is the splendour of the music and vocals on the song, which is continued throughout the entire album.

The album continues with the foot-tapping rocker 'Already Gone', where once again Pamme’s vocals dominate the song.  There is real sassy vibe to them on this one that really gives this song some real bite, before the album brings a touch of Country Rock into the mix with the excellent 'Dreamer'.  Think a rockier Shania Twain.


Next up is the excellent ballad ‘If You Leave Me’, which is actually one of my favourite tracks off the album.  A real heart-melter that is followed by another wonderful tune in ‘Save Me’.  Again you find yourself melting into Pamme’s wonderful vocals and hanging on to every word of the lyrics. 

This one has a very emotive feel to it with its almost flamenco style guitars and haunting melodies.


 'One More Time' is another great ballad that has Heart written all over it, before the tempo is picked up with 'Did You Mean It', that has a great opening riff that is very Dire Straits about it, but one thing for sure Pamme has a better vocal than Knopfler and is much better looking.


It's back to that almost Country vibe with 'Look in Your Heart', before the superb ‘Hopelessly'.  Again this one pulls at your heart’s strings s it features some stunningly moving vocals courtesy of Pamme.


The album closes with the title track 'From the Ashes' which is another very emotional song that closes off what is a great album.


It might have been a while for band to release another album, but believe me it was well worth the wait.  If you’re looking for an album to connect to, then this album is sure to have song or two you can relate too, whatever your musical persuasion.  This is pure joyful ear-candy.


Review by: Barry McMinn

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